Der Colleagues!

We are happy to introduce to you the topics of some of the presentations at All-Russian Conference for Biosynthesis “The meeting of biosynthetic therapists in Russia” which is to be held on May, 20-21, 2017 in Moscow!

The direction of the presentations (topics):


«The flow of life. Words unsaid and movements not expressed» (master-class, 1.5 hours)

Gerlinde Buchholz, Germany

With sketches we have the possibility to enter our personal history and trauma and find a new way to work with it.


«The concept of Essence in Biosynthesis as a dimension of Consciousness (master-class, 1.5 hours)

Lily Anagnostopoulou, Greece

Essence is perceived as a state of being beyond trauma or character. Biosynthesis therapy is helping one to reach to this level and connect it to everyday life. This integration is possible through an expansion of consciousness.


«When poles meet» (workshop – 1.5 hours)

Elena Kalashnik

Any meeting presumes a contact. One can meet somebody new or something new. At the same time, neither of this is possible without one’s contact with oneself.  At this workshop, you will be offered to explore yourself, your capabilities to be in contact with yourself and the world round as well as meet with your resources with the help of one of Biosynthesis concepts – polarities.


Self-regulation. Following pulsation flows (workshop – 1.5 hours)

Svetlana Gusarova

The theoretical part: the concept of pulsation in the body, rhythmical pulsation as the basis for the life energy, forms of pulsation, body “diaphragms” as blockages or bridges for pulsation.

The practical part: movement, breathing and energy exercises as a way to restore pulsation.


Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Various aspects of work with grounding in Biosynthesis. (workshop – 1.5 hours)

Galina Prudnikova

In reliance on our bodies, we are going to try to get oriented in the questions we will pose to ourselves during this workshop:    

- Where exactly am I right now in the course of my life? Where am I going?

- Where do I want to go? Which direction –what or who – do I want to move towards?

- What and who can I trust?

- What and who can help me make my first step?

Mastering and accepting various sides of our identity, we are going to move towards greater trust to ourselves, our bodies and the surrounding reality, to understanding of our capabilities and limitations, to experiencing the reality the way it is here and now. 


Integration of Biosynthesis with other Therapeutical Approaches

The development of embodiment via the formation of psychological coordinates in the childhood (workshop – 1.5 hours)

Irina Lyashko

Embodiment reveals itself in the interaction between inner and outer life spaces. During their development a child, on the one hand, masters, learns and conquers the outer space and, on the other hand, masters their inner space, discovering their capabilities for themselves and others where their body is the starting point. While the coordinates of the outer, physical world, which is being mastered, mean nothing but themselves, the coordinates of the inner (psychological) space, which is being mastered, acquire a certain meaning. 
We are going to have a look at the way the psychological vertical (the coordinate of control), the psychological sagittal (the coordinate of independence) and the psychological horizontal (the coordinate of the choice and comparative analysis) are formed.


Contact – magic and reality (workshop - 1 hour)

Natalia Sakharova

The workshop links the theoretical concepts of Russian psychology (Zaporozhet’s, Zinchenko’s views) with Biosynthesis practical work (double presence, energy contact). There will be a 15-minute demo-session with a “client” during the workshop.


«Practice to be alive» (workshop - 1.5 hours)

Ekaterina Lyamina

During this workshop with reliance on Biosynthesis main concepts, Laban-analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals (LMA-BF) we are going to explore what helps us restore the experience of our integrity. We are going to look for possibilities to find a greater body and soul integrity through movement and establishment of inner connections and “bridges”.  


Transforming Energy of Dreams (workshop – 1.5 hours)

Galina Korzh

Dreams are the integral part of our life. Freud’s observation that the interpretation of dreams is the easiest road to the unconscious has become an axiom of various psychotherapeutical approaches (Analytical psychology, Existential psychology, Ego psychology etc.) Dreams help us establish a connection with the source of renewal, development, power and wisdom, which means that dreams play an important part in the process of individuation.

The aim of the workshop: to show the role of dreams in the process of self-fulfillment (deep reunion with oneself); to show the particularity of the work with dreams in Biosynthesis with specific examples.


Russian heritage

The embodiment of the female soul in the folk doll (workshop - 3 hours)

Irina Lyashko

The folk doll has its particular place in Slavic culture. It is a link between generations, it give us knowledge from our ancestors, and it is the doll that helps us acquire the ability to live a good life. Creation of a doll gives us an opportunity to come in contact with our deep female wisdom.


The vitamin of the game (an integrative game - 1.5 hours)

Irina Lyashko

On the one hand, the game is deep-rooted in the history of centuries. On the other hand, it is modern, relevant and interesting today.  
The game is an inexhaustible source of optimism, energy, fun, movement, cheerfulness, which means the sources of life itself.  
We learn about the past, live in the present and learn for the future in the game.
Let’s play together and make this engrossing journey through time.  


The fundamental dimensions of life in the symbols of Slavic mythology. The healing power of the Kind (workshop – 1.5 hours)

Marina Evlampieva

During the workshop, the participants will have an opportunity to learn how the fundamental dimensions of life, distinguished in Biosynthesis, are presented in the life, system of beliefs and mythology of ancient Slavs as well as feel the power of their own kind at all levels.
There are going to be two parts: a theoretical one and a practical one.
There will be a presentation in the theoretical part which will help the participants get acquainted with the fundamental dimensions of the life of ancient Slavs: their views of the world, connection with the Kind, relationships with the ancestors, gods etc.   
In the practical part, the participants will have an opportunity to come in contact with their own Kind, feeling of its resources, awareness of the messages from the previous generations with a further integration and preservation of the experience in the form of a metaphor and image. This will be possible with the help of a deep contact with oneself in the meditation, a fine tuning of the sensitivity and balancing of one’s body, attunement with a partner in the exercises from Slavic body practices.


"Russian Heritage – the life of Soul in the earthly world. The images of Soul Leading in the feat of arms, games, fairy-tales, toys and language (workshop - 3 hours)

Dmitry Alpatov

The old men said: "body is a curdled consciousness". Moreover, they tried to live “from the Soul”.  At the same time, they could differentiate between the living one, the Man and the one who could become the Person.   
The most typical Russian toy, matreshka, gives us a hint – there are other bodies one can live behind the first body shell.
Our ancestors could see the power of the Soul and how to deal with it to make one’s eyes shine, the Soul fly with the body, but not “languish like a bird in a cage”.
During the workshop, we will try to recall and animate the images we touched upon reading books, playing games and speaking the Russian language in the childhood. We will try to experience them using body metaphors from the traditional Russian fight (Lyubki).